“Rock-A-Bye Box”:  (designed by: Mark St.Leger)

      Turned on the Bias: 3 ½” diameter x 1 ½” tall


1)       Box: 2 3/8” cube, any hardwood works well

2)       Lid: ½” x 1 Ό”, dense wood such as Cocobolo, Zircote etc.

3)       Finial: 5/8” x 5/8” x 2 ½”, hardwood same as wood used for box

4)       Collet Chuck: ½” x 2 ½” sq., hardwood such as Maple

5)       Eccentric Chuck: 1 ½” x 2 ½” sq., hardwood such as Maple

  Tool List:

      1)       ½” Roughing Gouge

2)       ½” Spindle Gouge, (fingernail grind)

3)       Small hollowing tools, (5/8” opening to hollow through)

4)       Thin Kerf Parting Tool

5)       Vernier Calipers  

Turning Steps:

1)       Take the point out from your live-center and mount two corners of the cube directly between spindle and live center, this will line everything up.

2)        The top of the box will be facing the live center; start-making light concave cuts staying about 3/8” back from the 3 corners of the block.  (Spindle gouge)

3)       Switch over to the bottom of the box and start shaping the spherical bottom shape.  You will be turning off the existing 3 points to match up with top of the box to create the 3 true points.  (Spindle gouge)

4)       At this time you need to create a tenon for mounting in a chuck for hollowing.  Part off and mount in a chuck for hollowing.

5)       Bore a 5/8” hole and hollow the box.

6)       Prepare a jam chuck and mount the box for completing the spherical bottom.  It is safer to use the tailstock for most of the shaping, and remove to complete the last little remainder of wood from the bottom.

7)       Use the jam chuck as a glue block for the lid; turn the inside of the lid with a loose fit tenon.  Start shaping the top of lid (slight dome shape), then part off and mount into a collet chuck (details located on separate page).  Finish the top of lid and drill a 1/8” hole for the finial.

8)       Turn a ½” tenon on one end of the finial blank and mount into the Eccentric Chuck (details located on separate page).  Set the chuck to its 1/8” off center setting and turn a cove cut to a point.  (½” roughing gouge) 

9)       Reset the blank to center on the chuck and turn a half bead down to a 1/8” diameter, and turn an 1/8” tenon and part off.

10)   Glue finial to the lid.

11)   Hand sand the completed box, being careful not to lose the 3 intersecting points. 

12)  At this point you should be able to gently rock the box and hear the gentle tick-tock sound from the loose fitting lid until it comes to final resting spot.

13)  Apply the finish of your choice and enjoy.