written by: Mark St.Leger


The following articles have been published in The American Association of Woodturners  journal:  American  Woodturner.


"Branching Out"Youth Turning Workshop funded by an AAW EOG Grant.     


"Branching Out II"Second Youth Turning Workshop funded by an AAW  EOG Grant.  


"Slick as a Whistle"An instructional article on how to turn a whistle.   


"2004 Youth Exchange": While serving on the AAW Board, I had the opportunity to work with many dedicated individuals who helped coordinate and implement the first Youth Exchange Program. Students from the United States and Japan had the opportunity to travel to each other's country to exchange woodturning and cultural experiences.  This was an AAW EOG project which was successful thanks to the generosity of all involved.    "Detailed Coverage" 


"Tippy Top"  Handout


"Rock-A-Bye Box" Handout


"Third Axis in Motion" Handout


Shop made Chuck Jigs - Handout


"Sphere Box" Handout


"Rectangular Burl Edged Box" Handout









Copyright © 2006 Mark St.Leger